John and Phil @ Precision Color Graphics
Kelly @ Riverview Gardens
Matt @ Camp Ryan Adams
Mickey Noone @ First Business Bank
Fox Valley Technical College
'The Team'
Volunteer Center of East Central WI
Quinn, Red and the Team @ Tytler's Cycle of De Pere
Gib and all those who believe in our Mission
From all of us on the Connect to Courage planning committee to all of you;
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks, to you, and to all the organization for being a very important part of the 1st Connect to Courage (Project 22) event! We had an amazing day serving Veterans and the community, and you all helped make it happen!
We were thrilled to have four local tv stations come to cover the event, along with WHBY radio. You can see all the coverage and event photos and more on our Facebook page:
Please feel free to add this your Facebook page and tag yourselves if you aren’t already tagged … and please add any photos you may have taken. We would like to encourage you and your organization to stay active on the Connect to Courage Facebook page as another way to connect with our Veterans and the community. You can easily share to our page from your own.
We look forward to hearing from you regarding your thoughts and experiences at Connect to Courage for future planning purposes.
Again, we offer our thanks for your partnership in serving our Veterans and our community! We couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you again to all involved!
Teresa, Bill, Julie & the entire Connect to Courage planning team
Helping our Veterans get back to where they need and want to be.